John Reyhons, General Manager, has been very supportive of SLFFC activities with Project Healing Waters.
Steve Hardesky, General Manager, has been very supportive of SLFFC activities with Project Healing Waters for fishing events at Cottonwood area lakes.
Kelly Haynes, General Manager, has been very supportive of SLFFC activities with Project Healing Waters for fishing events at the SLCC area lakes.
SLFFC also holds bi-weekly breakfast meetings at the Sunset Grill.
In December, 2021, Sandra and Mike Peck sponsored a fishing event at their Oakwood Hills community for Project Healing Waters Veterans. Besides fishing for carp, they hosted a BBQ lunch for the group.
On October 15, 2022, AFMA opened Station 231 to SLFFC for the use of restrooms when SLFFC hosted a fishing event for Project Healing Waters Military Veterans.