Sunset Grill, SLCC
Breakfast meetings are normally scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, at 8:00 AM, SLCC.
Emails are sent out to members before...
Sunset Grill, SLCC
Cottonwood, AZ
Travel and Fish 2/27, one day trip
Contact George Abernathy for details.
Cottonwood, AZ
Springerville, AZ
Travel3/6, Fish 3/6,7, Travel 3/7
Contact George Abernathy for details.
Springerville, AZ
Greer, AZ
Travel 4/23, Fish 4/23,-25, Travel 4/25
Contact George Abernathy for details.
Greer, AZ
Dutch John, UT
Trout Creek Flies & Green River Outfitters, 435-885-3355
Travel 5/5, Fish 5/6, 7, Travel 5/8
Contact George Abernathy for d...
Dutch John, UT
Navajo Dam, NM
Fishheads San Juan River Lodge, 505-634-0463
Travel 9/22, Fish 9/23-24, Travel 9/25
Contact George Abernathy for deta...
Navajo Dam, NM
Stone & Barrel, Oakwood
Golf will start approximately, 2 PM
Contact Dan Roberts for Golf Details, 541-419-8804.
Cocktails and Dinner, 5 PM. Se...
Stone & Barrel, Oakwood